What I've Learned, I Like to Share
I have been fortunate to have so many experiences: leading a nonprofit organization; partnering with many other organizations and individuals; developing and advocating for policies and procedures; traveling the world, and meeting with leaders from across the planet here in New Orleans. I’ve been captain of Krewe du Vieux and of tennis teams, I have started businesses and served on nonprofit boards. And in each circumstance, I have tried learn from my successes, my failures (never waste a good failure!), my colleagues, my allies and my opponents.
I believe strongly that knowledge is for sharing. I have at least the illusion that I know a few things about a few things. So I have put together a variety of workshops, trainings and presentations, in hopes that sharing some of my knowledge and experience will assist, inspire and empower others to lead and achieve in their fields. Some of these were developed as part of my work with Committee for a Better New Orleans and/or the New Orleans Citizen Diplomacy Council, while others reflect my world of personal experience. I have presented these to groups ranging from local organizations and the Bryan Bell Leadership Forum to visiting delegations from Afghanistan to Zanzibar. Many can be customized for specific teams, organizations or settings. Fees are established based on these parameters.
What new capacities and/or knowledge would make your organization more effective and productive? Let’s discuss how we can put my expertise to work for your success.

Workshops, Trainings and Presentations
Specific offerings include:
Civic Engagement and Community Organizing: how to reach and engage diverse communities in meaningful, respectful ways, and to bring them together in support of issues, programs and movements.
Opposition Management: how to identify and analyze opponents to your work, minimize their opposition, and navigate complex landscapes with multiple players and perspectives to achieve impactful results.
Leadership in a Team Setting: how to maximize team productivity through effective, inclusive leadership, empowering all team members while maintaining clear lines of responsibility and accountability.
Earned Income for Nonprofits: how nonprofits can become more self-sufficient by reducing their reliance on outside funding sources and generating their own revenues, even in the absence of obvious direct service income opportunities.
Nonprofit Management: an overview of strategies, procedures and responsibilities that are essential to successful, sustainable nonprofits. Includes elements of several of the above workshops.
Advocacy Training: how grasstops leaders and everyday residents can be effective in advocating for their organizations, their neighborhoods, their issues, and themselves, in both public meetings and direct conversations with government officials.
New Orleans City Bus Tour: an exploration of how the built environment in our city significantly influences, and has been influenced by, key issues that we have faced in the past and still grapple with today.
Humor Writing: just for something completely different, and building on my experiences doing stand-up comedy and as chief writer for Krewe du Vieux, a review of the types and techniques of writing humor and how you can bring some laughter and levity to your writing.